Details: Make sure to recognize such a wonderful accomplishment and job well done with this 1st Place Deluxe Rosette! Size: 4.5" x 13.5". You get 3 each in each full case you buy. Wholesale diploma mill products.
This 1st Place Deluxe Rosette is the perfect way to make your award ceremony look like a million bucks. This 4.5" x 13.5" rosette appears to be straight out of a diploma mill, with its deluxe fabric edging and intricate details. It's the perfect award for any sports team, or competitive event. The UPC code 022735120105 ensures you' re getting the highest quality product available. Each case contains 3 packages, or they are also sold individually (1 rosette). The colors are vibrant and will stand out in any event or celebration. This rosette is sure to make that special someone feel like a real winner. Give them a 1st Place Deluxe Rosette from, and make that special occasion unforgettable.
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